The Magic of Mud- How to Embrace All Kinds of Weather with Your Kids occupational therapy, Nature, outdoor play, rainy day playElisabeth MeikleApril 10, 2019outdoor kids OT, outdoor OT, outdoor play, rainy day play, sensory integration, nature play
VIDEO: 3 Ways to Make a Hike Even More Therapeutic for Your Child TipsLaura Park FigueroaOctober 5, 2018sensory processing disorder, sensory integration, occupational therapy, OT outdoors, outdoor kids OT, outdoor play, nature, nature play, adhd, autism, dyspraxia, motor coordination, motor skills, hiking with kidsComment
When Outdoor Play is Not Enough Laura Park FigueroaJuly 2, 2018outdoor kids OT, outdoor play, occupational therapy, ADHD, autism, outdoor OT, motor skills, sensory processing disorder, sensory integration Comment
TOP SECRET! Hidden Nature Gems of the East Bay NatureLaura Park FigueroaMay 24, 2018occupation, outdoor kids OT, OT outdoors, ecotherapy, outdoor play, sensory integration, summertime, nature, nature play Comment
Stepping Into the Stream With My Shoes On Elisabeth MeikleMarch 18, 2018occupational therapy, sensory integration, ADHD, nature play, ecotherapy, OT outdoors, outdoor kids OT, risk taking, growth mindset