Recommended Resources

Our ConTiGO Approach grew from the work of respected leaders, teachers, and therapists who have advocated for children’s nature play for decades! We have lots of books, tried-and-true toys, quality supplies & must-have gear that we often recommend to families and therapists who are passionate about nature connection and outdoor play. Check out our lists of recommended resources in our Amazon store!

As an Amazon Associate, we earn a small percentage from your purchase through these links, at no additional cost to you. ALL funds go to support scholarships for children in need in our community to receive Outdoor Kids OT services.

Therapy in the Great Outdoors is now available in print and Kindle versions on Amazon!

Resources from

Therapy in the Great Outdoors

Page 13- Here are links to the excellent STAR Center videos on managing behavior using a developmental approach:

Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

Page 20 (& p. 86 & p. 162)- Here is our video on how to tie the bowline knot and hang a stick swing.

Page 50- Our favorite origami boat instructions with good visual cues. You can print these to take them in the forest for nature-based therapy sessions.

Page 57- Our favorite simple paper airplane instructions with printable templates.

Please let us know if there are other resources you need for your nature-based therapy sessions!